Friday, July 25, 2008

Mani's School

It been the 4th week since Mani's school, yet the first week is still very clear. I thought I would be doing a Carrie bradshaw styled blog on a day to day basis of what happens in school, however, that hasn't been happening (as you would have seen - or rather not seen). the very first day was a dream (which as all good dreams do, dint last long). Having familiarized mani with his school and teachers, he had no problems the first day. He took to his classroom like a duck to water, while most of the other kids were howling. Come day two, and he does a total volte face. He screams and holds onto to me, trying to run out of class and all that jazz. The next couple of days were harrowing, he kept repeating this behaviour. I tried going to class with him and settling him down, but he would try to run after me, but not before picking up his bottle and bag. Children have a very scary sense of belonging which I think is part of them even at birth. He was howling and kicking and screaming to leave with me, but not without his bag and bottle. And in this brought a smirk to my face, although I felt heartbroken otherwise.

His grandparents, aunt and all came to school, hoping to bring about a change in his mood, but to no avail. I even contemplated private tutoring at home, amidst all this melodrama. And even shed a few tears after tearing my son off me and dropping him in class. But come 3rd week and suddenly he wasn't howling to come back with me, which doesn't mean he totally co-operated. But something had changed, when we climbed the stairs and were nearing the class, he got down and asked for his bag and bottle (which poor me had to saddle all along plus carry him) and went into class crying, but went in nevertheless. I watched quietly from the door and saw him climbing the miniature slide in class all along crying and holding onto to his belongings for dear life. It was hilarious, here this kid was crying and clutching his bag/bottle and still had to climb the slide, it was as though he was being forced to perform these tasks.

The next day on, he again repeated the same thing when we neared the classroom, however, an unhappy frown had replaced the tears. From then on, it only got better. Even while being let off, Mani who the first to come ouit in a tearing hurry, actually started walking calmly out the door. I still remember the first time, must have been the fag end of the third week, my sis in law had come to school to \surprise him. The teacher opened the door to let out the kids and I could see Mani peeping out from behind her. He saw me, but dint come out, he waited his turn calmly while she made the kids leave in a single file - bags on their backs and bottles around their necks. He came out striding confidently towards me. I had a lump in my throat. I kept wondering how parents of overacheivers must feel if this was the way I felt when my son had just adjusted to playschool. However, I still haven't been able to working around the bigger problem - POTTY TRAINING. I really need a miracle for that one.

Having said this, our daily school routine is no bed of roses, Mani usually needs to be forced out of bed, and will not eat his breakfast and is cranky when he dresses up. But he knows the drill when he nears his classroom. And thank you God for that!!!

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