Monday, November 2, 2009

Pati, Patni or Woe

Horror of horrors, while channel surfing the other day, guess what I chanced upon - a programme titled ‘Pati, Patni aur Woh’, for those in the dark, this is not a sleazy serial about the ‘other woman’. On the contrary, the ‘who’ here is a baby, more specifically some one else’s. And 5 celebrity (from the channel’s perspective, though you can hardly call them that) couples take care of them for a certain period. As usual you have CCTV cameras all over the house, et la, Big Boss, and every movement of the foster parents with the babies are monitored.

What made this whole farce even more hilarious is that the fourth estate preferred to have mundane asinine debates on issues such as Mumbai being referred to as Bombay, in a recent movie. For God’s sakes, people are handing over their toddlers, tiny babies, not even a year old, to complete strangers with no experience whatsoever in baby care or even marriage, for that matter, and are making money out of it. And I am not talking about public residing below the poverty line. Initially on reading publicity material for the show, I thought people from that stratum of society would be the only ones willing to offer their children for such macabre exercises. But on watching the show, I noticed all the families were not slum-dwellers like I presumed they would be, but from well to do, supposedly Sindhi-Punjabi couples.

As the weeks progressed, the toddlers were replaced by older children, and the woes continued.

Waiting to see some group that comes forward to put a stop to this facade. Is anyone listening???